ACZ conducts a variety of static and outreach programmes among which are:

Conducting Community Outreach Programs

ACZ carries out Community Alcohol Harm prevention public education and awareness programmes conducted through drama performances, large and small group community talks and including individual and family/household talks.

These community out reach programmes are used to sensitize different groups of people on the potential harm that can arise from the unhealthy use of alcohol. Topic covered during these outreach programmes include discussions on the social, medical and mental health concerns often associated with the unhealthy use of alcohol. Community members also interact with facilitators during these sessions answering questions on issues of interest and concern regarding alcohol use. During and at end of the sessions facilitators distribute available print materials such as brochures and leaflets to community members which they can read through for their later reference.

Outreach Programs in Schools and Institutions of Higher Learning

ACZ Conducts Alcohol Harm Prevention awareness programmes in schools, and in institutions of higher learning such as Universities and Colleges. This is done through large gathering talks, drama performances, group and classroom type presentation and including one on one family and or individual talks.

This is against a backdrop that many young people begin to experiment with alcohol during their youthful years mostly while at school and or while at the university or college without a proper awareness of what they are venturing into.  Their taking to experiment with alcohol could be out of peer pressure, curiosity or voluntary will and many parents or guardians might not even be aware of their children adopting this new life style until when the situation breaks at home. While it is admittedly difficult to prevent teenagers from experimenting with alcohol, it is important to help them know what they are getting into. This is because while the taking of alcohol can be fun, it can if not handled properly have serious life consequences on the person taking to drinking. 

Hosting & Maintaining a Research Data Base on Alcohol related topics in Zambia.

ACZ is working to develop, maintain and support a research data base for general access to scholars, policy makers, researchers and the general public wanting to access information on alcohol related topics in the country. This effort is being made against a backdrop of a lack of a central depository in the country where information on alcohol related topics can easily be accessed.

In order to help develop a useful and reasonably comprehensive database of relevance, ACZ is inviting scholars, students or individuals who have published any research study specific and or on any alcohol related topics, to kindly make available such a publication for inclusion on our data base as a way to share knowledge on this website.

The research study could either be an academic thesis, report or dissertation or could be a journal article, an online book or any such peer reviewed publication or indeed any context specific study related to alcohol. ACZ will be glad to receive and publish on this website site any such publication.

Workplace Outreach programmes

Conducting Workplace Outreach Programs

The problem of alcohol use at the workplace is common and often troubling for both employers and employee. In order to help address this problem, ACZ conducts work place outreach programs tailored to helping both employees and employers understand and appreciate the problems of drinking in the workplace. This is because taking alcohol while at work can lead to lowered productivity due to drunkenness or lack of full concentration and attention on the tasks to be attended to.  Furthermore, working under the influence of drunkenness can lead to accidents at the workplace. Some of these

accidents have led to serious loss of life and sometimes serious dilapidating injuries.

Although many companies have a policy of avoiding employees drinking while on duty, it is common that many employees still sneak for a drink while at work or over indulge after work.  ACZ makes on request presentation at the workplace that address alcohol related issues.

Conducting Peer Educator Training Programs.

Alcohol Concern Zambia conducts peer educator training programmes for diverse groups of young people drawn from communities, churches, youth clubs and students from schools and institutions of higher learning. Once trained, peer educators conduct awareness and sensitization programmes in their communities and help to advocate for healthy decisions about alcohol and other substances. The training undertaken is further tailored at empowering young people develop the necessary skills and essential capacity to facilitate alcohol and substance abuse prevention workshops, presentations and programming. 

You can contact our office on the next scheduled peer educator programmes and details on the requirements to enroll on the programme.

Conducting Advocacy for Policy and Regulatory Measures Focused on Alcohol Harm Reduction.

Alcohol Concern Zambia works with other partners and stakeholders in the civil society community to advocate for the enactment and implementation and enforcement of Alcohol control policies, rules, laws and regulations aimed at preventing and reducing alcohol-related damages in the country. These measures include advocating for measures on the prevention of underage alcohol use, the implementation of regulation to limit the availability of alcohol by addressing the now common tendency of selling alcohol in non-regulated places such as on the open markets and on the streets. ACZ is also working with other stakeholders calling on the government to provide appropriate and affordable treatment forms and rehabilitation facilities for people affected by alcohol abuse.